The Hole part 2

And then a skeleton popped out! OOGA BOOGA he said. Aw shit said kareem, the skeleton then stabbed him dead. The skeleton introduced himslf to Stalin as Eddie Massenburg. Eddie was A sexy skeleton who just wanted to become a socialist sex having spooky thing. Ediie noticed something, something awful, something hyperrealistic, it was a hole. A hole no biger than an empty eye socket he stuck his finger in it and came out bloody and brown. It was gangsta as fuck.
Turned out it was Leo Daniel from the last story, turns out he survived his magical sex experience with hulk hogan. Holy fucking shit a fucking skeleton! What the fucking fuck is this god damn cuntalicious horse and bullshit? Hey buddy im eddie the skelly, but you can call me dad. Fjck off eddie i need to go to Afghanistan wanna come? Sure you fucking prick, lets go!
In the hole they went to Afghanistan, hey dude why ya goin to Afghanistan? I need some oil for my time machine, ok. When they arrived in afghanistan they noticed something very weird, it was hot dry and sunny. This aint afghanistan bitch! I know.
Leo Daniel, former NFL quarterback has gone missing reported CTV news, his ware abouts is unknown and shit. He was last seen with a retarded skeleton and a boner back to you jim.
The hole, sexy,.bright, sophisticated,.unforgiving. The hole is said to have magic powers, anyone who claims it.says to become immortal.
It aint gonna suck itself bitch said eddie as he popped a molly and started to sweat. Get a hooker or something leo said.bfine i'll do it myself, as eddie was sucking himself BONE dry, Barrett Jenkins, Leos former president of the acrylic sweater and gay oriented chess player club said that everyone on earth was looking for him, so they went up to to the surface and Leo lived happily ever after, in a hyperrealistic bloody fashion.
Eddie decided to jack it on the spot, but then Miyamoto came out of his dick.and offered him immortality if he gave him the rights to eddie fighter, he said sure mate and now eddie is immortal and eddie fighter is a higer cellar than mario and pokemon.
The hole opened up to a whole new world of crazy and spooky stuff, find out in the next episode of dragon ball z.